The most vulnerable children in today’s context are the children living on streets in cities and towns. Since they have no one to take care, these children face multitude of challenges –verbal abuses, sexual abuses and emotional abuses. These kids are deprived of protection, lack education opportunity and basically food.
With support from various organizations and private parties, the lives of these vulnerable children can be uplifted. A systematic plan to rescue the abandoned and runaway children are implemented by NGO in Noida and Ghaziabad. Here are the services offered for the poor street children rehabilitation and support required.
1. Poor street children are identified, counselling is undertaken and are taken to shelter homes. Their major requirement here is food for them and you can Donate Food Support for Street Children Ghaziabad which will help them.
2. The street children are given formal education which will help them in the future. You can donate For Poor Children Education in Ghaziabad by reaching out to NGO.
3. Medical support – most of the street children have health issues due to the unhygienic surrounding and habits. The NGO take concentrated care in improving their health and behavioural change. One can contribute and Donate medical support for street children. This can be done by online transfer or even materials in the form of medical aids.
With your support, NGO can make sure these children are registered in schools, sheltered, conscious of their privileges, imparted with moral standards and values.